Tuesday, December 18, 2012

What is Subnetting?

          Subnet  is a short word for Sub Network which is a small network within a network.  Subnets have a beginning number and an end number. The beginning number is the “Network ID” and the ending number is the “Broadcast ID” number.  IP subnetting is a critical piece of computer science if your goal is to be a good network engineer.  Subnetting is extremely difficult for students to understand and teaching subnetting can be even more difficult.
 While researching subnetting I came across Figure C. diagram of subnetting and reference guide by George Ou . In his article, “IP Subnetting Made Easy”(Ou). I don’t think there is anyone that can make subnetting easy but George gave it a shot and he has a better explanation than me.

According to the subnet table created by George Ou, “ look at Figure C. Notice the pattern and pay special attention to the numbers in red. Whenever you're dealing with subnets, it will come in handy to remember eight special numbers that reoccur when dealing with subnet masks. They are 255, 254, 252, 248, 240, 224, 192, and 128. You'll see these numbers over and over again in IP networking, and memorizing them will make your life much easier”(George Ou). The video below is about subnetting and it being taught by "Eli the computer guy." When I am having difficulty with home work I always go to Eli and he can get me through. 

Monday, December 17, 2012

What is WAN?

When large businesses have several locations they are required to connect their sites for communication across states and countries they will develop Wide Area Networks (WANs).  Large companies such as Toys ‘R’ Us operates a huge WAN that connects employees and customers all over the world.  According to James A. Sem, “ Toys ‘Toys ‘R’ Us’ WAN links more than 750 US. Toys ‘R’ Us and Kids ‘R’ Us retail stores, as well as another 170 other locations in Europe and Asia. This system is designed to allow 30,000 employees share inventory and sales information and to send information to one another via electronic mail. This multilevel network interconnects each store to one of 19 regional centers located around the world”(Sem p.458).
So how do you design this unique WAN network that interconnects all of this together? What are the important pieces that are required? First you a need a set of switches and routers that can be interconnected and will then form a WAN. These items can be purchased by oneself or from a service provider. Either way these items will form a successful network. You must do your research and decide what you are trying to accomplish and what requirements are needed to design that particular network (Wide Area Technologies).
Both Packet switching and circuit switching technologies are used in a WAN and according to Wide Area Technologies, “Packet switching allows users to share common carrier resources so that the carrier can make more efficient use of its infrastructure. In a packet switching setup, networks have connections into the carrier's network, and many customers share the carrier's network. The carrier can then create virtual circuits between customers' sites by which packets of data are delivered from one to the other through the network (Wide Area Technologies).
Information Technology in Business. Senn A. James, 1995. Printence-H

Sunday, December 16, 2012

What is LAN?

Local Area Network (LAN) is a network designed to connect devices inside of a local office such as printers and desktops. A LAN can also be described as connected buildings that are connected and other building close by such as a college campus or high school. Some businesses have multiple buildings onsite such as Human Resources in on building and the public office in another. These close knit building develop a LAN because the buildings are only several feet away or only several miles away from each other (Senn p. 461).
Another example of a LAN network is a home network. This LAN is where you connect a few computers and a printer together. The smallest LAN is where you connect just two computers. A LAN is usually inexpensive and according to Mitchell,Most Local Area Networks are built with relatively inexpensive hardware such as Ethernet cables, network adapters, and hubs. Wireless LANs and other more advanced LAN hardware options also exist (Mitchell). “
There are several types of LANs and all require very little networking experience to design. One type of LAN is known as a LAN party. A LAN party is a multiplayer gaming event where participants bring their own computers and build a temporary LAN. How fun is that? Gamers coming  together and designing  a network. Please view the LAN video below and learn more about LAN's.

http://compnetworking.about.com/cs/lanvlanwan/g/bldef_lan.htm. LAN Local Area Network. Bradley Mitchell. About.com Guide.